Mexico and Canada are closely linked: Carlos Joaquín González | So things with Carlos Loret De Mola | WRadio Mexico

After the meeting ofThe three friends” which took place in Mexico and brought together representatives of Mexico, UNITED STATES And Canadathe Mexican ambassador to Canada, Carlos Joaquín González, assured that there were agreements during the binational and trinational meeting.

Agreements have been concluded with Canada on human rights, on environmental issues, on the rights of aboriginal peoples, on economic issues as well. Some Canadian companies are interested in investing in Mexico. It is necessary to work on the follow-up of the various actions which have been proposed and that the agreements are also generated by the embassies. We need to find better solutionsconcerns relate to mobility and some to securityhe pointed out.

On the other hand, he pointed out that there are more Mexicans arriving in Canada without the terms of the order and that this can generate actions on the part of the country such as the application of a visa or other protocols that break the relationship.

An agreement was signed between ebrard and the Canadian Chancellor on the application of human rights, primarily to women and indigenous women seeking their application in Mexico arising from the actions of the Canadian government“, he concluded.

Mona Watkins

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