6 Canadian fighters who were in AAA

Canadian wrestlers have always had a special place in AAA. Fans welcome the gladiators from the land of the maple leaf with great affection.

There are several people who, throughout their careers, have participated in the national pankration.

The vampire He started his career in Montreal and was the first to show the way to his compatriots. In the 90s, the fighter born in Ontario was a “boom” within the caravan of the triple star.

Also in the 90s, Vampiro had a rivalry with Leatherface, his compatriot whom he scalped on June 28, 1992 at the Monterrey bullring.

Currently, Kenny Omega is the AAA Mega Champion. The Winnipeg-born man won the Fénix belt, in a fight that took place in Orizaba, Veracruz, during the 13th edition of the prestigious Héroes Inmortales event.

In the women's division, Canada also has great representatives of wrestling who have left their mark on Mexican fans.

Jennifer Blake Enters AAA
In late 2009, she was a member of Konnan's Foreign Legion. In 2011, he won his big victory in the Triple Star event and, with Alan Stone, he won the Mixed World Championship.

Angelina Love, the so-called “Canadian Angel”, also had several participations in AAA. But the most recognized by fans is Taya. The “Güera Loca” marked an era in women's wrestling when she was recruited by the Son of the Dog Aguayo. The Canadian is one of the darlings of the respectable since she was a member of the “Perros del Mal”.

Taya is not just a charming fighter
because he has in his deck technique, cunning, a winning mentality and of course tenacity, which he learned from the late Son of the Dog Aguayo.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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