30 years have passed since Bret Hart was first crowned as WWE Champion

Today they are fulfilled 30 years after Bret “The Hitman” Hart was first crowned WWE Champion. It happened on October 12, 1992 in a historic main event held at the WWE Lounge in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Brett Hart beat ric flair after applying the Sharpshooter to win the belt.

During the fight, Bret Hart dislocated one of the fingers on his right hand, although he was able to continue working. With his victory, he became the first Canadian to win the WWE Championship (WWF at the time), a feat Chris Jericho and Edge would later repeat. Hart grew his legend from then on, capturing the title 4 more times, the last in 1997 before losing it in the famous Montreal Screwjob.

This victory marked the end of Ric Flair’s second and final reign as WWE Champion. He won his first coronation the same year, shocking fans by winning the Royal Rumble battle royal. The Nature Boy held the strap until WrestleMania VII, where he lost to “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Flair regained the title again at the Prime Time Wrestling event held on September 12 and retained it for 41 days until the match against Bret Hart.

After this match, Bret Hart and Ric Flair continued their feud at non-televised WWE events. The faces were seen over 35 times through February 1993, including a 60-minute Iron Man. In all of these fights, Bret Hart always came out on top, becoming one of the greatest executioners in Ric Flair’s history.

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Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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