ECONOMY AND POLITICS: TMEC and anti-imperialism – Almomento


The Mexican right has just presented President López Obrador with a priceless political flag: a new and brazen foreign intervention, this time in the name of the United States-Canada duo. This right, anxious to create problems for the Obradorist government, called on its North American counterparts to help them to denounce alleged violations in terms of energy of the trade agreement signed by Mexico and these two countries, the so-called TMEC (Treaty Mexico, United States and Canada).

This is obviously a complaint without legal basis, because the energy issue is excluded from the agreement. But it’s not about winning a case, it’s only about hindering, hindering, boycotting, making a fuss. A subtle form of black propaganda, dirty war.

After a few weeks, the case will remain, as we say popularly in borage water. Or, as Sor Juana would say, a corpse, a shadow, dust, nothing.

But, in the meantime, the new foreign intervention has aroused the indignation of the Mexican people and the consequent support of the citizens for President López Obrador. If the right wanted to weaken it, it did the exact opposite. Or, to put it smugly, conservatism has turned against him.

Obviously, the right made a miscalculation. He does not know that among the Mexican people anti-imperialism is always on the surface. And that it only takes one reason, no matter how small, to express itself, to emerge with an overflowing momentum, as is the case at the moment.

Conservatism believes, as they say of the thief, that each is of his own condition. That is why he thought that his call for foreign interventionism would have the sympathy of very large sectors of the population. And he was wrong. It only aroused the support of that third of the Mexican population with conservative, pro-Yankee, racist, Creole and finally anti-Mexican thinking.

And here they are on that side, not to call it a gang, the ecologists and the nylon indigenists, the declassed and disoriented middle classes, the leaders of business and finance, the corrupt politicians enriched under the protection of the public power and particularly under the protection of the neoliberal regime which, as we all know, for more than three decades it has partly sold the country and partly bought.

After more than thirty years, conservatism has not understood that its attacks on López Obrador only succeed, as we can see at the moment, in strengthening it more and more.



Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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